Early Intervention PRACTICE GUIDE
A resource for enhancing patient care by integrating iDose® TR and iStent infinite® using the 4 Building Blocks to Early Intervention Success
Early Intervention PRACTICE GUIDE
Welcome! The Early Intervention Practice Guide comprises the resources and tools you need to build a practice that successfully supports patients through integrating early intervention with iDose TR and iStent infinite.
The 4 Building Blocks to Early Intervention Success
Tap any topic to get started.
Clinical Success
Increase clinical success through educational guidance.
Patient Interaction
How you communicate with patients impacts their overall treatment experience.
Facilitate treatment with reimbursement support.
Reach a wider audience by delivering targeted messages across diverse channels.

Clinical Success
Eye Care Providers
As eye care providers, you are instrumental in getting patients on the right track to help manage their condition. Becoming familiar with the treatments and procedures will empower you to educate patients on what to expect, which can ultimately help your patients feel more informed and at ease throughout their treatment journey.
Having a strong understanding of the treatments and procedures can help you gain trust with your patients and encourage them to proactively manage their condition.
iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant):
Refer to these materials to further familiarize yourself with the procedure.
- Procedure Guide
Learn how Glaukos gives back with the iDose Your Dose program.
- iDose Your Dose
iStent infinite:
Refer to these materials to further familiarize yourself with the procedure.
- Procedure Guide

Clinical Success
As an ophthalmic administrator, you are integral to the practice as you optimize referral networks and practice administration, ensuring efficient patient care and resource management. When managing reimbursement or insurance-related tasks, work with your Glaukos Reimbursement Liaison to help ensure that procedures are covered and reimbursed appropriately.
As an administrator, you manage the day-to-day operations of the practice, so it’s essential that you have the resources you need to help improve the overall patient experience.
iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant):
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
Understand the importance of intervening earlier with procedural treatments in this presentation.
- Staff Education Slide Deck
iStent infinite:
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
Understand the importance of intervening earlier with procedural treatments in this presentation.
- Staff Education Slide Deck

Clinical Success
As a technician, you play a key role in helping educate patients on treatment options and responding to patient questions. It’s important that you’re well-versed in interventional therapies so you’re prepared to offer guidance and address any questions patients may have.
Every interaction you have with patients presents an opportunity to provide knowledge support and build a stronger relationship between them and your practice.
iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant):
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
Watch this animation to familiarize yourself with the procedure.
Use these indicators to keep track of potential candidates for treatment.
- Magnet
- Stamp
- Sticky Note
- iDose TR vs. iStent infinite Candidate Checklist
Use these materials to provide patients with a simple overview of iDose TR, what they can expect with treatment, and its potential benefits.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
- Patient Education Placemat
The Video Box features a video, brochure, and lane display to acquaint patients with key information about treatment.
- Video Box (Please contact your Glaukos representative to place an order for the Video Box)
Use the Lane Display to help patients visualize what iDose TR looks like.
- Lane Display
iStent infinite:
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
Watch this animation to familiarize yourself with the procedure.
Use these indicators to keep track of potential candidates for treatment.
- Sticky Note
- iDose TR vs. iStent infinite Candidate Checklist
Use these materials to provide patients with a simple overview of iStent infinite, what they can expect with treatment, and its potential benefits.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
- Patient Education Placemat
Use the Lane Display to help patients visualize what iStent infinite looks like.
- Lane Display

Clinical Success
In addition to being able to answer patient questions about iDose TR and iStent infinite, you should be well-informed about pre- and post-procedure care instructions to offer guidance and properly schedule time.
As schedulers, you play a key role in coordinating timely procedures and ensuring the process runs smoothly for both patients and the practice.
iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant):
Use these materials to provide patients with a simple overview of iDose TR, what they can expect with treatment, and its potential benefits.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
- Patient Education Placemat
Patients must complete this form for voluntary consent to the procedure.
- Patient Consent Form
Review key steps for the procedure from start to finish.
- Procedure Guide
The Video Box features a video, brochure, and lane display to acquaint patients with key information about treatment.
- Video Box (Please contact your Glaukos representative to place an order for the Video Box)
Use the Lane Display to help patients visualize what iDose TR looks like.
- Lane Display
iStent infinite:
Use these materials to provide patients with a simple overview of iStent infinite, what they can expect with treatment, and its potential benefits.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
- Patient Education Placemat
Review key steps for the procedure from start to finish.
- Procedure Guide
Use the Lane Display to help patients visualize what iStent infinite looks like.
- Lane Display

Clinical Success
Front Desk Staff/Call Center
As front desk staff or a call center representative, you are usually the first touchpoint for patients when they engage with the practice, so it’s critical to have the information and tools you need to communicate effectively with them.
Ensure your waiting room has a designated location for patient education materials.
iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant):
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
This brochure offers patients a simple overview of iDose TR and what they can expect with treatment.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
Use these indicators to keep track of potential candidates for treatment.
- Magnet
- Stamp
- Sticky Note
- iDose TR vs. iStent infinite Candidate Checklist
Understand the importance of intervening earlier with procedural treatments in this presentation.
- Staff Education Slide Deck
This form includes information and sample questions to support your efforts in identifying appropriate patients.
- Intake Form
Get helpful talking tips to enhance your iDose TR discussions with appropriate patients.
- Patient Talk Track
iStent infinite:
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
This brochure offers patients a simple overview of iStent infinite and what they can expect with treatment.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
Use these indicators to keep track of potential candidates for treatment.
- Sticky Note
- iDose TR vs. iStent infinite Candidate Checklist
Understand the importance of intervening earlier with procedural treatments in this presentation.
- Staff Education Slide Deck
Hang this in the office to inform patients about the availability of iStent infinite.
- Office Glass and Mirror Cling
This 2-page resource helps patients discover if iStent infinite could be right for them, and outlines FAQs about treatment.
- Patient Waiting Room Tear Pad

Clinical Success
Referring Providers
Referrals are a critical part of identifying appropriate patients for early intervention. Creating partnerships with like-minded HCPs is one of the most valuable pipelines you can establish. To help find candidates who may be proper for early intervention, consider working with a Glaukos representative to facilitate internal education programs as well as co-marketing programs.
Referrers can help to ensure timely interventions and ongoing management of the disease.
iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant):
Use this resource to reinforce your knowledge of the benefits of early procedural interventions.
- OD Presentation
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
Review key steps for the procedure from start to finish.
- Procedure Guide
The Clinical Data Sheet includes the key clinical results for iDose TR.
- Clinical Data Sheet
Learn about iDose TR in peer-reviewed publications.
- Phase 3 Trial (12 Months)
- Phase 3 Trial (3 Months)
- Phase 2b Trial
iStent infinite:
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
Review key steps for the procedure from start to finish.
- Procedure Guide
Check out this 1-page double-sided flash card on the benefits of earlier intervention and iStent infinite.
- OD Educational Flash Card
Learn about iStent infinite in a peer-reviewed publication.
- Sarkisian et al (2023)
The Clinical Data Sheet includes the key clinical results for iStent infinite.
- Clinical Data Sheet

Patient Engagement and Education
Understanding how to have a meaningful conversation with appropriate patients about potential benefits from treatment can lead to opportunities for improving patient care and outcomes. The tools and patient education resources below will help enhance your interactions about iDose TR and iStent infinite, provide background knowledge of treatment for your patients, and build your practice's overall understanding of potential candidates for treatment. You can also ask a Glaukos Practice integration (GPi) representative for additional help with recognizing appropriate patients in your practice.
iDose TR (travoprost intracameral implant):
Use these documents to support your efforts in identifying appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
- Intake Form
Watching a patient share their first-hand experience with iDose TR can help increase comfort levels toward treatment among other potential candidates.
Understand the importance of intervening earlier with procedural treatments in this presentation.
- Staff Education Slide Deck
Use these indicators to keep track of potential candidates for treatment.
- Magnet
- Stamp
- Sticky Note
- iDose TR vs. iStent infinite Candidate Checklist
Get helpful talking tips to enhance your iDose TR discussions with appropriate patients.
- Patient Talk Track
Use these materials to provide patients with a simple overview of iDose TR, what they can expect with treatment, and its potential benefits.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
- Patient Education Placemat
In-practice lunch-and-learn sessions are a great way to educate patients on a more personal level and familiarize them with the procedure.
- In-Practice Lunch-and-Learn
iStent infinite:
Review this 2-page document to help identify appropriate patients.
- Patient ID Guide
Understand the importance of intervening earlier with procedural treatments in this presentation.
- Staff Education Slide Deck
Use these indicators to keep track of potential candidates for treatment.
- Sticky Note
- iDose TR vs. iStent infinite Candidate Checklist
Use these materials to provide patients with a simple overview of iStent infinite, what they can expect with treatment, and its potential benefits.
- Patient Brochure
- Patient Brochure (Spanish)
- Patient Education Placemat

Local Media and PR
Let patients and referring ODs in your market know that you’re practicing early intervention with iDose TR and iStent infinite. Here are some best practices and tools to help you roll out the right messages in the right places to the right audiences.
These templates are intended to be modified and used by local practices to announce the availability of iDose TR and iStent infinite.
- Practice Press Release
- Local Media Guidance
- Local Media Practice Pitch Template
Some best practices for promoting iDose TR and iStent infinite on your practice’s website include:
Have a dedicated page or section of your website for iDose TR and iStent infinite
Leverage case studies and testimonials whenever possible
Social Media
Spread the word quickly and easily by promoting your early intervention practice on social media platforms where people are already engaging in conversations.
Use this template to guide your social media initiatives for iDose TR and/or iStent infinite.
Some best practices for strengthening your social media presence include:
Develop a social media calendar with a cadence of topics
Actively manage your comments and reviews
Integrate success stories and testimonials wherever possible